Phone: 954-796-7107

LebenTech Quality Program


quality1 LebenTech Innovative Solutions, Inc. is committed to successfully providing services of the highest standard and solutions that are comprehensive, accurate and practical. Our team quality assurance approach is to create quality through careful selection of methodology and standardization resulting in repeatable processes within clearly defined boundaries.

We believe that customer satisfaction and accurate solutions can only be ensured through empowering our entire stakeholder community from management, to consultant, to customers, in attaining these goals.


quality2 Leben
Tech has been recognized by qualification and experience for the validation of design and process reliability, manufacturing process development and optimization, test plan development and execution, and RMQ training and development. Our quality program combines the capability of various consultants to ensure the most effective, accurate and comprehensive solutions are provided for specific engineering problems.

To achieve and maintain world class service provider status, a company must demonstrate that a clearly defined quality process is deployed throughout the organization, and shows objective evidence that the process is being followed. The quality process includes all necessary processes from determination and fulfillment of customer requirements, applied methodology, through solution development and service.

Our process begins with an initial assessment of the defined problem. This is followed by a review of the potential methodologies that can be applied to provide viable solutions. The most appropriate methodology is selected based on cost and effectiveness. Solutions developed are reviewed for accuracy and then presented to the customer. Our company is audited by conducting annual internal quality audits to improve the effectiveness of the quality program. LebenTech also encourages customer visits to our facility to conduct on-site service process quality audits.


quality3 To ensure successful performance for a specific defined engineering problem, LebenTech team will employ a process driven quality assurance approach that provides ongoing control over individual process and a system to monitor programs.

Our process approach quality assurance program emphasizes the importance of:

  • Obtaining a resulted oriented performance environment.
  • The need to consider process with respect to their values.
  • Continuous improvement of the process based on objectives measurements.
  • Understanding and meeting the requirements of assigned task and its specified deliverables.

Our team focuses on the quality of deliverables and services performed during the life of a contract and will include: a proposal that identifies the methodology to be applied for developing a solution, and customer surveys to provide feedback on overall service levels. The data from the case study is maintained both electronically and on hard copy for availability upon customer’s request.


Our continuous improvement program focuses on systemically eliminating ineffectiveness from the process. Our ongoing goals are:

  1. Maximize service quality;
  2. Maintain the best trained and most knowledge consultant through continuous education; and
  3. Reduce service costs to our customers.



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